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Rating distribution for asm


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Thu 22nd Jul 14:19
Africa rated  Perfect
One of the most well balanced boards on the site. Medium fog is STRONGLY recommended. There are 6 or possibly 7 distinct starting areas that are very strong and offer incremental progression. Due to the bonus structure and limited attacks, the game progresses in three distinct phases, each of which requires its own highly adapted strategy. For instance, units matter in the early game and end game whereas in the midgame your most valuable resource is attacks. Far less luck dependent than most boards due to absence of cards and limited attacks - you have to set up eliminations VERY carefully because you can't just go on a single game-ending run. Cautious placement and judicious use of reserves goes a long way. Every game is different, everyone has a chance to win. Even the smaller touches down to the 5 troop reinforcement minimum are perfectly and elegantly balanced. I will never get tired of playing this board!
#54 of 54
Mon 21st Jun 12:21
Northwest Passage rated  Good
Well executed basic geo board. Few chokepoints, large continents. Appropriate card scale. Better with fog of course. Good for teams and large groups. Borders and bonuses are clear. Nice clean graphics. I was gonna rate 6 and then I wrote this and I was like "actually, yeah, everything about this board is basically... good." So, 7.
#53 of 54
Thu 10th Jun 13:26
Planet Yertle rated  Bad
Not a fan, unfortunately. Tactically and strategically it's interesting for different group sizes and settings, but basic problems with the board image keep this one from being enjoyable for me. Two main issues: First, the territory outline style means there's a small 'gap' between all territories, even the ones that connect, which means it can be very hard to tell when the gap you're looking at means two territories DON'T border. I find myself frequently having to check the board explorer and being disappointed. Second, the background. Yertle, what were you thinking? The lime 'glow' can be very confusing when a player has chosen lime, and likewise with the black. In a non fog game with black and lime both selected it's VERY hard to see at a glance what's happening.

It plays fine though.
#52 of 54
Sat 22nd May 00:39
Great concept, interesting gameplay, poorly executed. I'm stunned at how many people rated the graphics highly. It looks good - as long as you don't want to play a game on it. It's very difficult to tell the territory types apart. It's impossible to tell apart neutrals vs fogged vs white, which is an absolute dealbreaker in my book. The board is visually super busy - only an experienced expert in this board could look at a game in progress and draw any conclusions about the game state without rigorous study. Tons of effort, and an innovative and interested game mechanic, wasted on a board I probably won't play again.
#51 of 54
Sat 3rd Apr 18:11
Kashgar rated  Great
Really good. Lovely as always for Yuma's work. Not good for 1v1, perfection for 2v2, plays great for larger groups (better with fog, as with any board). Tactical concerns around cities make for interesting strategy. Very well done.
#50 of 54
Mon 15th Mar 01:28
I'm so torn writing this review. It's a great board in so many ways. The bonus structure plus dice setup is unique in my experience and plays really well. It exercises strategy in a way no other board does. But it has a 1v1 scenario that is all but unwinnable for one seat. That's just inexcusable. It's possibly the worst 1v1 scenario I've seen. It's actually MUCH LESS FAIR than just starting a 1v1 on the default setup and letting first player have a huge advantage on a random layout. So that takes my review from a 9 down to a 5. I can't believe it.
#49 of 54
Fri 12th Mar 12:23
Sleestaktica rated  Great
Yuma boards always look great and this one is no exception. I think it plays well, too. I love the split continent concept and I disagree with most of the negative reviews stating that this board plays too quickly. In fact the split continents slow this game way down. You're not going to get a Colossal type of long drawn out back-and-forth, and no player is likely to be placing more than 10 armies in a turn at any point. It's a game of delicate positioning, maintaining eyes and choosing the right moment to create aggression. The board flow is perfect - just the right amount of chokepoints and neutral blocks. I've played games where everybody rushed the pylons and games where the neutral islands were almost entirely ignored. It's very well balanced and supports different numbers of players. Really good board.
#48 of 54
Wed 3rd Mar 13:52
New Earth rated  Superb
One of the best. Only two things hold it back from a 10/10: the dark green color looks waaay too much like the neutral color, and there are a couple of spots where the borders aren't perfectly clear in the map graphic.

In every other respect it's amazing - balance is terrific, there is no dominant strategy, the scenarios are all balanced, lots of fog settings work... I could go on and on. I guess one weakness is that my name isn't on the map for some inexplicable reason.
#47 of 54
Tue 9th Feb 14:36
Captain's Log rated  Average
It looks great and makes for a fun, small diversion. You pretty much can't win without starting from the top or bottom, but the neutrals on the top decks add some strategy, and as long as you understand that as a small board it's more subject to luck than usual, there's no problem with it. A bad couple of rolls early will "sink" your game - on to the next one.

1. Two colors are nearly identical (black and dark gray). This is really, really bad.
2. This board has 17 starting territories. That makes the starting positions kinda unfair for three players (6 6 5), kinda unfair for four players (4 4 4 5), very unfair for five players (4 4 3 3 3). The difference between starting with 4 territories vs 3 territories on this board is pretty huge - particularly if your seat is near the end of turn order.

So it's a 6 for me.
#46 of 54
Mon 1st Feb 14:15
Britain of Old rated  Perfect
Very nice board. Looks great, plays well with different group sizes, graphics look awesome, requires careful planning and strategy, borders are clear, nice use of one way borders to add a bit of interest. Easy 7 or 8 for me bumped up to 10 for the unfair and stupid 1 star review.
#45 of 54
Mon 1st Feb 14:14
German WarGear rated  Perfect
A great board. Simple, balanced, good for different group sizes, graphics look good. 6 or probably 7 for me bumped up to 10 for the people rating 1 for no reason.
#44 of 54
Thu 21st Jan 16:06
Fall of Rome rated  Perfect
Can't believe I've never rated this board. Might be my favorite board. It's wonderfully balanced for medium fog specifically but also works great for light, heavy and total. I disagree with characterizing gameplay as "neutral bashing" as that misses the point. You're not bashing neutrals, you're biding your time before revealing your strategy to your opponents. This board rewards careful, strategic, intentional play.

The graphics are superb and the color palette is clearly well thought out. Borders are clear, continents and bonuses are balanced. This board has no weaknesses.
#43 of 54
Tue 29th Dec 13:47
Colonies rated  Bad
It's a shame because I love the concept of multiple (sometimes overlapping) additional micro-bonuses. And the board looks absolutely stellar. But two things really kill this one for me. One, the lack of attention to detail and balance. And second, the 12 attack limit is absolutely crushing on a board this large. Games drag on F O R E V E R. I doubt I'll be playing this one again which is a shame as it's great to look at.
#42 of 54
Thu 10th Dec 16:20
Moon Base rated  Great
Definitely one of my favorites. Fog is a must. Fun for small and large groups.
#41 of 54
Tue 8th Dec 15:00
Manifest Destiny rated  Average
Wasted potential. I love the concept, the art style, and the balance. I do not love the too-similar player colors and difficult to distinguish borders/obstacles. With a slightly larger image and more obvious territory connections (or lack thereof) this would be a top board. As it is it's still fun, there are just a handful of "gotchas" to keep in mind.
#40 of 54
Wed 2nd Dec 14:42
Coffee Capital rated  Superb
One of my favorites. Very well balanced, offers different strategical approaches, and the pacing is SUPERB.
#39 of 54
Wed 11th Nov 16:58
Pearl Harbor rated  Superb
Shockingly good. Nice small scale geo board with a perfect balance between defensibility and accessibility. The tension added by the massive bonus in the middle provides an extra frisson to the existing tactical menu provided by the easily defended bonuses on the left side vs the slightly larger but still obtainable bonuses in other areas. Plays great from 2 players to 6+ and 2v2.
#38 of 54
Sat 3rd Oct 03:01
VIKINGR rated  Terrible
I hate rating a Yuma board so low but the starting scenario is incredibly poorly balanced. It's beautiful, and I remember loving this one back in the day - the board itself is brilliant and small, the pace plays perfectly. But allowing the sea lanes as player starting territories just reduces it to randomness. They should probably be 0 neutrals. Any troops you start the game with in sea lanes are just sitting ducks. And with 3 reinforcements per round it's incredibly difficult to recover.
#37 of 54
Sun 28th Feb 12:43
Biohazard rated  Good
Not too special. Can be a grind, as with many symmetrical boards, paying close attention and not getting unlucky are probably the two biggest keys. Graphics are adequate.
#36 of 54
Sun 28th Feb 12:06
India rated  Average
Looks good, great theme. Not very well balanced in game play. Looks like the eastern corner should dominate, and it does.
#35 of 54
Pages:   123   (3 in total)